Thursday, 3 April 2014

March wins +

Not a very long list but some nice things, so I'm still very happy with comping.

Token for a Panebello pizza
Fruitella goodies - instant facebook win, not arrived yet.
The Shadow of the Crescent Moon, long-listed for the Baileys prize.  And a books are my bag bag.
Multivape kit and some extra menthol.  Lisa's happy with this, she was thinking about getting one, so saves some pennies.  She finds it helps with cutting down, and very useful in vile weather! That was a 50p text comp with the Weekly News.  Not a huge prize, but they were giving away 50 of them, so thought it worth a gamble for something we wanted anyway.
And a Sony bluetooth handbag speaker -  Sony-SRSBTM8B  Thank you to @expansysUK for this great gadget.  That was just a retweet, so very lucky from at least 3000 entries.

The community cafe for MS Trust went well.  Lots of delicious cake was eaten, and my dad sold some of his photos, and some of my aunt's Holy Socks too.  Over £300 raised, so that's brilliant.

Twitter comping, I do like a bit of retweeting myself, and even tweet occasionally. But I do wonder why some people copy and paste the competition tweet as well as retweeting. And then complain when their tweet gets retweeted. If you are going to tweet something that starts with RT, then don't be surprised when it gets RT'd. Still. Whatever makes people happy!

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