Sunday, 10 April 2016

March wins and filled in that PIP form

Three wins on the first of the month.  I so love to be told I'm a winner.  Which is funny really, that's almost better than the actual prize.  Almost.

£50 gift card thanks to @BandQ.  Very handy, Lisa has plans to freshen the kitchen at some point this year.  Not looking to replace anything, but it's a bit dark.  So she's going to paint the cupboards and walls.
Hamper of chutney, jam and marmalade from Deerview, Sussex thanks to Rosemary and Porkbelly.  Good reason to have cheese for lunch.
Tickets to the National Photography Show from LDN Fashion competitions.  My Dad was happy to use these.  Gave him an excuse to go.
A basket of goodies thanks to Joanna Victoria Mmm Biscuits...
£50 to spend at Abakhan - Not used their website but been visiting their store in Mostyn for years for fabric and craft stuff.
Febreeze fabric refreshner.  Small prize, but handy to have.
Thank you Fuss Free Flavours for Bryn William's cookbook, Bryn's Kitchen.
And a couple of vouchers for Ginsters sausage rolls, instant win from codes from pasties.

And I filled in that horrid PIP form.  It asks such personal question, things you would really only talk about with your doctor or carer.  Or not at all because it's so bloody depressing.  Still.  It's done now, see what they make of it.

February wins - chocolate and other lovely things

More soup and a microwave mug.  Small but handy. 
Cadbury's Valentine Treasure Box - thank you Christine at mummyof3diaries. I love chocolate.  No, really.  
A poster and dvd of Momentum from Erisea magazine
A really cute Trunki with a teddy, book and puzzle inside it from ohsoamelia.  Such lovely timing, I sent the Trunki, book and teddy up to my cousin and her new baby.  What a gorgeous gift to be able to give.  Okay, so the baby won't be able to ride on the Trunki for a while, but it is amazing how fast they grow.  We rather wish they did grownup size too.
£30 House of Fraser voucher from Elizabeth's Kitchen Diary.  Always happy to read her blog, she lives on Shetland.  So far away!

Sunday, 14 February 2016

January wins - yay, a tablet!

Really pleased with my first win of the year - Delia Online / Spanish Persimon Competition Winner‏ - Samsung Galaxy Tablet worth £150. My partner's hasn't worked right since my mum dropped it on the floor, so this was great.
Soup and microwaveable mug from Tesco.  Crosse and Blackwell, winter vegetable.  Did make  me giggle when Lisa collected the can from the post office.  Why didn't they send a voucher?  The microwave mug is handy, with a lid so I can carry it and not two soups it everywhere. 
Another box of Dorset cereals turned up, don't remember winning more of them, but very welcome.
And a months supply of Cherry Champ, Gym Vit competition from The Melton House.  Not convinced they will make any difference to Lisa's exercise recovery.  It has beetroot in, but wouldn't it be better to eat the actual vegetable?

Friday, 15 January 2016

December wins 2015

False eyelashes. thanks to Fashion&stylePolice, @Olojay on twitter. She sent them straight to my daughter.

£10 iTunes from Sweetbeats daily. Added to Lisa's Christmas present.  That competition is still going, like I need any more excuses to eat sweets. 

Taken For Dead by Graham Masterton, thanks Ali The Dragon Slayer.  Yay, a present for me at last!

KrispyCreme assorted dozen - a scrabble friend fb'd me this one, and I clicked it without looking at it. I sent the voucher to her to use, and she sent my daughter some more eyelashes.

Massage in London thanks to Le Coin de Mel. Mel was fine with me entering to give to my daughter. I'm in North Wales, but my daughter's in N7.

Month of XLS tablets thanks to Sonia at mummyconstant. Lisa was hoping I would win some to help her shift her tummy this year. They aren't cheap either!

Case of 9bars, I won and Lisa won.  Lisa's arrived today, and I don't like them.  Still, a friend here does, so she will probably end up with lots of them.  And I bet my daughter will like them too. 

£5 Marks and Spencer voucher. Another one for Rach. 

£50 ish Walker picture books. Lovely big parcel.  They neighbours have most of them, and a couple to another friend for her two little ones. 

And the last, and tiniest prize of the year. A carton of Del Monte fruit juice.  Well, who doesn't drink juice? 

So Lisa and Rachael did the best out of my December wins, but that's okay.  I get to see the screen tell me I'm a winner.