Sunday, 10 April 2016

February wins - chocolate and other lovely things

More soup and a microwave mug.  Small but handy. 
Cadbury's Valentine Treasure Box - thank you Christine at mummyof3diaries. I love chocolate.  No, really.  
A poster and dvd of Momentum from Erisea magazine
A really cute Trunki with a teddy, book and puzzle inside it from ohsoamelia.  Such lovely timing, I sent the Trunki, book and teddy up to my cousin and her new baby.  What a gorgeous gift to be able to give.  Okay, so the baby won't be able to ride on the Trunki for a while, but it is amazing how fast they grow.  We rather wish they did grownup size too.
£30 House of Fraser voucher from Elizabeth's Kitchen Diary.  Always happy to read her blog, she lives on Shetland.  So far away!

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